Karolin Klüppel makes use of simple, regular elements in her photography.
Hooves, Berries, Necklace, Nets, Mirrors.
Also simple are the locations.
A House, a Pond, a Bedroom.
And so would be the emotions.
A Laugh, a Curiosity.
But what lends meaning to these images, what brings them to the forefront of our sensibilities, it is one word- culture.
It is a small Khasi village in India that inspired Karolin Klüppel to photograph young girls.
The Khasis are a matrilineal community, with the power and authority resting in the hands of the women.
It is a system of reversed conventions, with little children taking up their mother’s names and young girls inheriting the family wealth.
The series traces the lives of Khasi women through their daily, mundane routines.
Power is an important element of gender, and it is the upbringing that affects it.
The young Khasi witness the shake in the balance of power as they grow up- something that shapes the people they grow up to be.

Image Courtesy of Karolin Kluppel.
To know more, follow her here.
A reversed kingdom of gender roles and a series of images that documents it. Come, let’s take you to the land of the Khasis.
The Khasi community, exclusively documented by Karolin Klüppel. Read on to find more.
#theyellowsparrow #khasi #matrilineal #gender #photography #imagery.