Vada paav, Bollywood blues, Kaali Peeli taxis and the Marine Drive. Your sub-conscious probably got it right; the first sentence is an attempt to induce nostalgia for the one and the only, Mumbai. This city is an expanse of so many tightly-packed spaces, sounds, colors and smells that it only takes a moment for the romance to mesmerize you.
We’ve put together a selection of places and experiences that deserve your attention if you ever find yourself on the go. Here’s Mumbai in 24 hours for the creative traveller.
1. Begin Your Day With Breakfast
Wake up to the cackle of a distant hen, amongst the chorus of horns and welcome a new day in the city of Mumbai. Walk up to the window and breathe in a little bit of that chaos with a smile. A busy day lies ahead.
Of the millions of scrumptious breakfast spots in the city, we could go to La Folie Lab in Bandra for eggs & bacon or Cafe Madras in Matunga for some quality Idli-Vada-Dosa. If your sweet tooth is an early bloomer then Jamjar Diner in Andheri is paradise for their pancakes and cream stuffed waffles.
Jamjar Diner, Andheri
Image Courtesy – Zomato
2. Get Ready For Some Train-ing
With the stomach in happy mode, the agenda is to catch the next local (train) to Churchgate. The local train stations showcase throngs of people of all shapes, sizes and colors hustling to their workplaces in mad arrays. The air is filled with the scent of batata vadas, samosas and talcum powder along with the electronic voice of the Public Announcement System. The rush to enter the train can be described as a group huddle during a tug- of-war championship, where everyone is on the same side but against each other. Once you’re on the train,there are several faces to ponder over with the occasional batch of live musicians. Exiting a crowded local train is a rather easy task, as you simply need to stand somewhere around the door and the samaritans invest their energy to push you out. This bundle of experience is a definite recommendation for every soul-traveller.
Image Courtesy – Lonely Planet
Churchgate station arrives and the huddle to the exit is made, with great passion. One can cross over to the opposite side and glance back at the marvellous Victorian architecture of the railway terminus. It became operational in the year 1867 under the British raj, and still remains the headquarters of the ‘Western Railways’. The structure is truly a sight for the blind.
3. Getaway to the Gateway of India
The next task it to catch a Kaali Peeli cab to the Gateway of India, one of the city’s pristine landmarks. With a demeanour, almost similar to the Laal Qila or the Red Fort of Agra, the Gateway of India stands tall against the skies. It is a waterfront monument built in the 20th century in Mumbai city that overlooks the Arabian Sea. It used to be a jetty for the fishing community but was later renovated into a landing place for British governors and other prominent people. A kit of pigeons routinely snack on the crumbs fed by people passing by. Many bollywood numbers from the 90’s would have a shot of the hero or heroine prancing around this monument as the pigeons dispersed in different directions.
Image courtesy: pixabay
4. Lurge For Lunch
The sun has reached its prime spot overhead, which means its lunch time; Wooot! We could head to All Stir Fry at The Gordon House Hotel which specialises in delish Pan-Asian grub or visit the Wankhede Stadium Restaurant which is known for its North Indian Cuisine.
All Stir Fry, The Gordon House Hotel
Image courtesy – Zomato
Next up, is a journey to the Jehangir Art Gallery, not too far away. The Jehangir Art Gallery was built in 1952 by Sir Cowasji Jehangir at the urging of the renowned scientist Dr. Homi Bhabha. It is a place beyond time and space, where the aesthetics of creation is worshipped for emotional equivalent. The people here, each more beautiful than the next, have a distinct aura of untamed creativity. The cafe has strawberry parathas. Enough said? Every exhibition is sure to be a spectacle so this place is evergreen for visitation, all year through.
Jehangir Art Gallery
Image Courtesy – India Destination Blog
5. Walk Along Marine Drive
Dusk approaches which means it’s a wonderful time to walk along the captivating Marine Drive. One can see a whole world among the people at this place – joggers, lovers, the blue-collar workers, the affluent, hawkers, pets, etc. As the sun takes its dip into the ocean, the breeze caresses the senses with an undertone of warmth against the backdrop of the arched skyline. As the cars race by on the driveway, towering buildings of old and new styles brood over them. ’Tis just a treat to be at Marine Drive, no matter who you are.
Marine Drive
6. Dance The Night Away
As the night creeps in, it is imperative that the apprehensions of the day be drowned in gulps of liquid – gin or juice irrespective. The hot spots in Mumbai are known the world over for their exclusivity. Places like Trilogy Nightclub in Juhu, Tryst in Lower Parel and AER in Worli have been rated as the crème de la crème of the afterhours.
AER, Worli
Image Courtesy – Zomato
Set the dance floor ablaze and soak in the good vibes as you relish in the eccentricities of the one and the only, Aamchi Mumbai. Have a good one!